On the 25th of April, ZEEC will hosting a culture night from 6pm to 8pm at Rte des Morillons 11, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex. We will have numerous of fun activities for children, such as face painting, make your own flag station, as well as a treasure hunt with a special prize at the end! Free food will be provided for the entirety of the night from numerous countries that volunteers have made. Tickets cost 20 CHF and will be sold from the 27th March until the 25th of April in the cafeteria at morning breaks 9:40 to 10:05 and afternoon breaks, from 11:30 till 11:50. There will also be an option to purchase your tickets online https://bit.ly/zeec-23.
Everyone, from inside or outside the school, is welcome to join. All money earned from this event will be going to the ZEEC foundation. ZEEC, (Zambezi Environmental Education Centre) is a Zambian and Swiss registered NGO with two specific humanitarian goals: to educate international students about life in rural Africa and to support education in the host community schools. At the heart of the project is the belief that our young people have much to give and much to learn – students help students, long term relationships develop and progress is sustained. If you want to learn more about ZEEC you can visit our Instagram page @zeec_123 or our website https://www.zeec.org/ for more information. We can’t wait to see you all there, we encourage you all to come in your cultural clothing!