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Writing Competition - Holiday Horror Stories!

Writer's picture: Nations Voice Nations Voice

The Nations Voice New Year writing competition is underway!!

What we want: An original horror story (under 1200 words) based around the holiday season to be submitted to Nations Voice by December 24th 2024


  • Write any piece of writing (e.g. poem, short story, script, etc.) under 1200 words

  • Send your piece to before December 24th

  • The top 3 pieces will be on the Nations Voice website for you to read!

  • We will announce the winners on the first week back after break, and then distribute the first-place prize!!

Good Luck Nations Writers!

Apart at the Seams

Stitches are sewn, the needle slices through air. It’s a CL-415, it’s climate warfare, It’s a judge sentencing Trump to no time served...


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